Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How to Solve Hiccups

I'm sure that everyone ever has hiccups, but of course, the way to solve it is different. Here I want to share with you my way to solve hiccups.
When I have hiccups, I search for water. Here is what I do:
1. Take a glass of water
2. Drink it with your head faces the ceiling or to the sky. This is the most important way.
3. Repeat the second step once again.
That's all my way to solve hiccups. Hope this helped.
Thank you.


  1. or you could
    hold your breath as long as you can ..

    but if i have hiccups ,
    i hold my breath + drink water + head faces the ceiling or sky .

  2. If i have hipcupps i hold my breath as long as i can +drink water +head and body faced down to the ground

    p.s it worked!

  3. Does holding your breath for 20 secs work
