Thursday, April 9, 2009

What is 'Pantun'?

Do you know 'Pantun'? Maybe for those Indonesian, they know about 'pantun.' 'Pantun' is a poem, especially old poem which from Indonesia. It exactly comes from Java Island. It is a little different with a poem. It has a few special conditions. Below are the conditions:
* It should be only consist of 4 (four) rows.
* Each row can only consist of 8 (eight) to 12 (twelve) syllables.
* For the first and second row, they are called 'sampiran'.
* For the third and forth row, they are called 'isi' or main content. At here, the   thing that want to be told to the readers placed.
* It has the rhyme.

There are so many kinds of 'pantun', such as comedy, religious, advice, etc. For the example, here I make a 'pantun':


Kupu-kupu terbang bersama
Bersama mencari madu dan bunga
Ayo bangkit semua saudara
Bersama memajukan bangsa tercinta

It's just a simple 'pantun'. Hope this helped for your knowledge. Sorry for using the language that maybe you don't understand, but I think 'pantun' should be in Indonesia language because it is from Indonesia. Thank you.


  1. When the word "pantun" comes across my mind, it will remind me of the famous Singapore drama, "Little Nyonya". Do you know the name of the Malay song sung by the male actor in the drama? If you do, please tell me. Thanks.

  2. I have one pantun

    Jalan ke rumah pak RT
    jangan lupa beli sate
    mentang mentang anak pak RT
    kenak sedikit keluar karate


  3. i have a pantun

    Rumah mu dari jerami
    atap nya dari kayu
    rupa mu sungguh ayu
    tapi sayang jarang mandi
